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8 JUNE - 9 JUNE 2020

America’s #1 Entrepreneur Summit

Join the American Entrepreneur Summit, where the Entrepreneur Movement meets.

Accelerate your business with the top 10 tools and top 10 trends of 2020, to accelerate your flow of customers, cash, talent and time.













Roger Hmailton

Who, What, Where & When

The Speaker:
Renowned futurist and social entrepreneur, Roger James Hamilton

The Participants:
Leaders and guests of Africa’s leading entrepreneur organisations


The Venue:
San Diego, CA, USA

The Date:
8 June - 9 June 2020

The Time:
8.00am registration opens (9.00am start)



Trend #1 - The End of Innocence

What happens when we lost trust entirely?

The lack of trust in longtime pillars of society among millennials is one of the most discussed and talked about topics currently. The big questions is of whom they trust to do the right thing most of the time. What could be more distinctly millennial than not trusting longtime pillars of society? There is definitely something bigger at work than just the millennials not trusting institutions that we know. Based on statistics, society wide trust in institutions is at or near record lows. So how do we move into 2020 when trust is lost in what is perceivably known?

Trend #2 - Rise of the Robots

What happens when robots outsmart us?

The big question here is - “Is this a good thing or should we feel nervous about this change?” As machine automation and artificial intelligence gain momentum in our lives, we are starting to see some positives with potentially life-saving robots (medical and dental) and then some negatives where online fraudsters and machines are taking advantage of the human population.

Trend #3 - Exponential Times

What if you could 100x in the next 10 years?

What will you be doing in the next 10 years to increase your impact and grow your business? By thinking exponentially and understanding these concepts, you will be better prepared for the changes that are happening around you.

Trend #4 - Entrepreneur 5.0

Are you aware of Society 5.0 and Humanity 5.0?

This year, the big topic at Davos and the G20 Summit is ‘Society 5.0’. Society 5.0 is a brand new concept created by the Japanese Government to describe the coming 5th revolution, starting in 2020.

Trend #5 - This Time it’s Personal

How can you personalize for every Individal?

Right now, you can learn anything. For free, just for you, for everyone around you and forever. Education is a legacy that cannot be taken away from you. Understand how to leverage off increasing your knowledge and learning into 2020.

Trend #6 - Hyper Reality

What happens when our virtual worlds appear real?

In an overpopulated world, with products for every need and whim, offline experiences have become key to personal fulfillment. This trend is already having extreme effects on the global economy and traditional business models.

Trend #7 - Superhuman Intelligence

What happens with AI becomes smarter than us?

How do we navigate our lives and businesses when Singularity is closer than we can imagine? Singularity will influence they way we respond to the varying complex challenges that the world is facing today.

Trend #8 - Our Digital Selves

Would you live forever if you could?

Technology and AI are making it possible for humans to achieve immortality. How do we navigate this life altering concept and embrace it as we head for 2020?

Trend #9 - Age of Abundance

What would you do if you started with nothing?

Imagine that everything changed today and what we know in terms of economy and businesses suddenly did not exist? What would you do if you started with nothing? This is a massive concept to wrap your head around.

Trend #10 - Worldwide Wealth

Is it possible to have worldwide wealth?

By understanding the Top 10 Trends and applying them in the most effective way for you and your business you will understand how to do this.



Roger is a world-renowned futurist, social entrepreneur and Impact Investor.

Roger is the founder of Genius Group, a $100 million group of companies leading the entrepreneur movement. Genius Group includes his tech company, GeniusU, which connects entrepreneurs to the smartest knowledge, connections and opportunities, and is growing from a $50 million to $80 million venture builder in the coming year. It also includes Entrepreneurs Institute, which is the largest Entrepreneur Network in the world, with over 2,000,000 entrepreneurs in over 200 cities.

He is also founder of Entrepreneur Resorts, the world’s leading Entrepreneur Resorts and Beach Clubs Group, which had its IPO and became a listed company in 2017. Roger is the creator of Wealth Dynamics, Talent Dynamics & Impact Dynamics, used by over 700,000 entrepreneurs to follow their flow. All of Roger’s companies empower the Entrepreneur Movement - collectively growing our ability to create and contribute wealth.

Boomberg Television
USA Today
The New York Times
Boston Globe
The Globe and Mail
El Confidential
Huffington Post
Bussiness Insider


‘Our T-shirt business has grown 12 times the size in under six months of working with Roger, and we’re projecting it’ll double again before the end of the year and hit $1 million. It’s impressive for something that was in a testing stage when we first met Roger. The key thing for us was recognising that you don’t need to keep putting the foot on the gas all the time; simply by nurturing your team and defining your rhythm you can accelerate growth.’

Founder Tshirtify


‘As one of the world's most visionary entrepreneurs, Roger's uniquely insightful tools and models are fantastic for helping us discover where we are on our entrepreneurial path and how to get to where we want to be. Following Roger's steps to progress are simple, straightforward, logical and intuitive and they always work! I highly recommend taking any opportunity to come to Roger’s events and soak up some of Roger's wisdom and be enlightened as to what the next big future trends and ideas will soon be sweeping our planet.’

Founder: Aspiring Entrepreneurs

‘Roger’s message about the importance of paying yourself AND paying yourself well made a huge impact. I realised I wasn’t doing as well as I had thought. I made major changes to my life and haven’t looked back since.

MD Complete Learning Solutions


‘It’s such a special experience to be in a packed room with people where everyone is actively wanting you to succeed!’

Co-Founder Ouroboros

I was a chef on oil rigs but through meeting Roger, I established my personal brand as a property investor in New Zealand. Roger showed me how to position myself as a leading learner in my industry, gain authority, and secure funding for my first properties. By the end of the year, I had left my job, received the New Zealand Property Idol award and been featured on the cover of the Property Magazine.’

Founder FreedomCo


‘It brought us a phenomenal transformation! We knew that the accounting space was really being disrupted and we knew we needed to drive the business in a different direction. But we had no idea how! Coming to the event several years in a row helped us to come up with a completely new business model that’s at the forefront of what’s happening in tech and crypto worlds. We’ve immersed ourselves in the entrepreneur movement. We can now say we’re running a truly global and future-facing business.’

Founder, Grow CFO






100% risk-free guarantee

100% risk-free guarantee

We unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction with our American Entrepreneur Summit. If you dont believe you have got your money’s worth, just send us an email within 48 hrs after the event and we will give you a full refund or exchange - whichever you prefer.


San Diego, CA, USA

The Date:Saturday 8 of June to Sunday 9 of June 2020

The Time: Registration from 8.00 am (9.00am Start)



Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Entrepreneurs Institute is monitoring closely any developments of the Coronavirus, which first emerged from Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The health and safety of our team, our clients and our partners is, as always our top priority. We are following all safety advice and precautions as recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Several countries have put in place screening measures at airports and points of entry to limit the spread of the virus. As such, for now, customers can be reassured that while we are monitoring the situation and staying up to date with guidance from the government and authorities and that it’s entirely business as usual for our upcoming events and workshops. You can also check the WHO (world health organisation) website for more advice on the basic protective measures you can be taking